by Ryan | Aug 9, 2024 |
Ian McIntyre
15 8
Kieran Molloy
Rob Webber
15 13
Julie Ayre
Ryan Robinson
18 13
John Wheller
Den Whittenbury
8 15
Lance Connelly
Sandra McLean
15 10
Mandy David
Jack Thorpe
15 10
Stuart Harris
Colin Newell
7 16
Kelvin Lyons
Bruce McLean
15 13
Steve Runnalls
Linda Whitchelo
11 15
Paul Bradnum
Mark Portlock
8 15
Keith Bland
Jack Thorpe
11 17
Sandra McLean
Ryan Robinson
15 13
Lance Connelly
Bruce McLean
11 17
Kelvin Lyons
Paul Bradnum
3 15
Keith Bland
Stuart Harris
15 13
Steve Runnalls
Mandy David
16 13
Julie Ayre
John Wheller
17 6
Linda Whitchelo
Ian McIntyre
16 12
Rob Webber
Sandra McLean
15 14
Kelvin Lyons
Keith Bland
9 16
Stuart Harris
John Wheller
15 5
Mandy David
Ian McIntyre
- -
Ryan Robinson
Stuart Harris
- -
John Wheller
- 4 Bowls per player.
- Winner is first to 15 shots
- 2 Trial ends with 2 bowls each
- The 6 best losing players will progress to Round Two (players with the highest scores)
- This is a knockout competition. Matches to be played at the discretion of both competing players
- A scorer must be present for each game.Â