Watford & District Bowls Association – Covid 19 (May 27th 2020)
This is a Re Start document designed to support Association member clubs following the
Government & Bowls England guidance documents
Who can play at the moment?
All Club members who are not in the self shielding category (these are people who received a letter from
the Government advising a twelve week stay at home period). Over 70’s in the clinically vulnerable
category group need to take extra care and remember the Government advice.
What type of Bowls is available?
At this stage only rollups between two people playing singles is possible although three or four people
from the same household can play together
Can I just turn up at the Club and play ?
No ! A member is only allowed to play if they have a rink booking.
How do I book a rink?
Your Club will need to operate a booking system via your website or telephone. A very simple click &
book system works at Berkhamsted following a successful trial scheme with some of its members.
Although the system is very simple to use you may want to accompany it with a step by step guide with
screenshots to aid users. The system is free and may work with your website set up, other systems are
available if it doesn’t work for very small fees. For members who don’t have a website set up they are
urged to contact someone who has so they can make a booking for them. You may want to produce a
list of players who are available and want to play so they can be contacted by others on the list with a
view to arranging and booking a game.
NOTE: Berkhamsted would be happy to provide further information to any club interested in using their
booking system or something similar.
Playing sessions
Assuming most clubs have six rinks normally available the social distancing measures mean every other
rink is not available so there will only be three rinks to play on each day. These will be 1,3 & 5 or 2, 4 & 6
but for simplicity just call them rinks 1,2 & 3. Depending on the demand and the size of your
membership you will need to decide on how many sessions you will have in a day.
At Berkhamsted we have four sessions each day –
Morning 10am to 12 noon, Lunchtime 12.30 to 2.30pm, Afternoon 3pm to 5pm, Evening 5.30 to 7.30pm
providing a maximum of 84 rink bookings each week
You could make the session times shorter and have more sessions if you want, its obviously your choice.
How many times can I play a week ?
To give everyone a chance of playing initially it might be a good idea to restrict each member to no more
than four sessions in a week (this could increase if you have spare capacity). Perhaps request weekday
evening sessions to be kept free to workers.
How should I prepare for a game of Bowls ?
Arrive close to your allocated time but not more than 5 mins early. PLEASE bring with you the following:
bowls shoes, woods, clubhouse keys & refreshments if reqd. Each player is requested to bring their own
sanitiser if possible to compliment what is provided by the Club.
What signage & tape will we need around our premises?
(please see the photo sheet for reference)
This will entirely depend on your set up but you will probably need signs for the following:
● An arrival sign at your Club entrance highlighting key safety points and telling them what facilities
are to be used, where they should change their shoes
● Highlight changing areas with tape even if its only a chair
● Mat & collection area telling them what to use and the importance of cleaning after use
● Cleaning area, mask off an area with tape for cleaning all green equipment
● Toilets notice, explaining the system you have in place for using them. Cleaning after etc
● Exit sign at main gate covering closing and locking of facilities
What sanitising equipment do we need ?
(please see the photo sheet for reference)
You will need:
* Spray sanitiser bottles for wiping surfaces inside & outside, equipment & toilets
*Hand sanitiser gels for cleaning hands at all times, toilet area, after handling equipment
* Disposable gloves for general use particularly where heavy contact is required
* Paper hand towels to accompany gels & sprays
* Possibly some storage boxes to keep equipment cleaning materials in outside
What equipment is needed to play roll up singles ?
(please see the photo sheet for reference)
Ideally: 6 x mats of two different cols if possible, 6 x jacks (3 x red spot & 3 x blue spot), scorecards
( No pushers, scoreboards or sticks )
NOTE: Each player has their own jack (x1) & mats (x2) of a different colour to use, this is to avoid
transmission (this does not apply if from the same household). Each player will have their own mat ready
to use at both ends of the rink if needed.
Clubhouse & Toilets
The Clubhouse must remain closed but will be open for members needing to use the toilet. Block off with
furniture & tape access points to the Clubhouse and point users in the direction of the toilets. If you are
lucky enough to have more than one cubicle in each of the ladies & gents toilets make only one
accessible. To aid users you might have a vacant and engaged card outside which can be turned alerting
other users to wait or enter.
VERY IMPORTANT: Any use of the toilet must be followed by a thorough clean of all cubicle facilities
with sanitiser spray and wipes provided in the cubicle.
Temporary Changing Area ?
(please see the photo sheet for reference)
Players could arrive with their bowling shoes already on, change them in the car or use a temporary
changing area outside if that’s possible. At Berkhamsted we used a our gazebo which we put in place
every season. Within that area each player has their own designated chair for the session spaced 2
metres apart from the other five players chairs. They can store store any bags next to their chair during
the session particularly if the weather takes a downturn.
If a gazebo is not possible perhaps you could designate certain benches or chairs for player use only
perhaps under a parasol if possible.
On the green
Playing guideline: It is up to each rink to decide on the format of their game, the only proviso is no
handling of each others jack or mats. The placing of the jack can be by placement, conventional casting &
straightening (by foot) or playing a roving jack.
Unless you and your partner are from the same household keep 2 metres apart at all times and use only
your own jack & mat. Entry to the green may be tight at some clubs so it may be necessary occasionally
to halt other games and walk across the green to your rink.
No play is permitted outside of your booked session.
Cleaning of equipment & facilities at end of session
After play has finished all mats and jacks must be cleaned with provided sanitisers & wipes in the marked
areas before returning equipment to their pick up place. Also clean your designated gazebo chair and
any other facilities which may have been handled or used.
Leaving after finishing your game
Please leave the premises within 10 minutes of finishing your game, clean all equipment and check the
security of your premises particularly if the clubhouse has been opened for toilet use
Form a ‘Start Up Team’
Try and get three or four members together to implement and oversee your guidance and initiatives.
They will be responsible for setting up these new practices and helping fellow members abide by the
rules particularly over the first week of opening up. Each member of the team might take on a certain
role e.g. one member might be responsible for buying in sanitiser equipment and setting it up.
No spectators or visitors can be admitted to the Club until further notice.
The only ‘none players’ allowed to spectate will be the ‘Start Up Team’ who will be there to help and
supervise as members get used to the new practices. (These will be listed in advance of playing)
Extra help & tuition
The Start Up Team will be on hand for the first week of re opening to oversee and help
Finally, and most importantly
We hope this has been of help to you, on first read through you may find this all looks a bit daunting and
its too much bother but needless to say the bark is worse than the bite ! In creating this help sheet we
hope it actually makes the whole challenge considerably easier and provides you with a flexible template
for you to adapt to your clubs set up and requirements
At the moment its still baby steps, we are in a fluid situation so guidelines and practices will undoubtedly
change. The decision to play lies with each member and that is the important thing to remember in
these unusual and troubled times.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any further help or clarification
Kevin Clarke (President) & fellow Officers