NWBC Finals
NWBC Finals
Schedule is: 10am - Triples Final - R. Robinson, K. Lyons & L. Whitchelo VS I. McIntrye, B. McLean & S. Harris 1pm - Pairs Final - C. Newell & S.Harris VS K. Lyons & S. Runnalls 4pm - Singles Final - R. Robinson VS S. Harris
Schedule is: 10am - Triples Final - R. Robinson, K. Lyons & L. Whitchelo VS I. McIntrye, B. McLean & S. Harris 1pm - Pairs Final - C. Newell & S.Harris VS K. Lyons & S. Runnalls 4pm - Singles Final - R. Robinson VS S. Harris
Join us for a fantastic evening of celebration and entertainment at the North Watford Bowls Club Awards Night! It’s a night to honour the achievements of our club members while enjoying great company, delicious food, and live music. Entertainment: Get ready to be transported back in time with the smooth sounds of a Frank Sinatra […]
Attention all thrill-seekers and number dabblers! For just £5 a card, you’ll have a chance to become the master of the bingo hall, where the stakes are high, but the laughs are even higher. Join us as we dive headfirst into a sea of numbered balls, where every ‘BINGO!’ is like music to your ears […]